Reverse resolution

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Aug 28 14:04:00 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph S D Yao <jsdy at> writes:

    Joseph> Please, everyone, do NOT make this your knee-jerk reaction
    Joseph> to a person who mentions that he or she has used
    Joseph> 'nslookup'.  The latter program does work OK in a
    Joseph> perfectly set up DNS configuration; so if it fails, there
    Joseph> is something wrong.  Granted that 'dig' gives what all the
    Joseph> DNS experts collected here consider a more perfect answer.
    Joseph> But it is also incomprehensible to many.  And use of it
    Joseph> will NOT automatically enlighten anyone whose problem is
    Joseph> not the one or two that are caused simply by using
    Joseph> 'nslookup'.

Maybe. But 90+% of the questions here about problems that involve
nslookup are usually failings of nslookup. They would go away if
people started using a decent lookup tool like dig.

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