Strange NSLOOKUP behavior

morgan lynder klaus_knomi at
Fri Aug 24 16:44:26 UTC 2001

I have Bind 9.1.3 installed on Solaris 8. My server is
able to answer queries that originate from the outside
world. However the ohter machines on the network fail
trying to querie the nameserver. The error is:

atfish# /usr/sbin/nslookup
*** Can't find server name for address
Server failed
*** Default servers are not available

Now this error message is returned immediately.
Usually when this error message appears the nslookup
command will time out before returning this,
indicating a broken nslookup binary. Since this
message is returned instantly I don't think this is
the case. All the machines do indeed have a route to
the nameserver as I am able to ssh from these machines
to the nameserver. Additionaly I am able to telnet to
port 53 of the nameserver as well. A check of "netstat
-a -n" shows that named is running on port 53.  One
last point is that on the nameserver itself
/usr/sbin/nslookup will fail immediately with the
above error message too. There are no "allow-query"
restrictions set in the options section of my
named.conf file. If anyone could provide me any
feedback as to the possible casue of this. I would
greatly appreciate this.

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