Zone Transfer BIND 9.1

rengland rengland at
Mon Aug 20 21:08:47 UTC 2001

Try and do a zone xfer using DIG,      /usr/sbin/dig @<NS IP Address> <zone>
axfr.  If this allows you to do a zone xfer there may be some data errors.
Bind 9 is extremely picky abou the data and how the data is formated, ie.
cnames, ttls etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users-bounce at [mailto:bind-users-bounce at]On
Behalf Of Chris Oberle
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 3:14 PM
To: comp-protocols-dns-bind at
Subject: Zone Transfer BIND 9.1

Hello.  I have recently installed BIND 9.1 on an AIX box, and set it
up as a master for .  I'm trying to set it up as a slave
for, however I have not been able to get it to pull
the zone from the master nameserver.  Both of these machines are on
the same network and there is no firewall in between them.  What
puzzles me is that the logs seem to indicate that the transfers are
completing sucessfully, but the file never actually transfers.  I'm
get this message in named.log:

Aug 20 14:01:40.048 transfer of '' from
XX.XX.XX.XX#53: recieving responses:  CNAME and other data

Aug 20 14:01:40.101 transfer of '' from
XX.XX.XX.XX#53: end of transfer

and this one in daemonlog:

Aug 20 14:01:22 myhost usr/local/sbin/named[13066]: loading
configuration from '/etc/named.conf'

Aug 20 14:01:37 myhost usr/local/sbin/named[13066]: refresh_callback:
zone failure for XX.XX.XX.XX#53 timed out

These messages seem to contradict each other.  Can someone offer me
any insight?

Many Thanks,

Chris O.

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