root server trafifc

Jim Reid jim at
Sat Aug 18 11:22:30 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Duane" == Duane Powers <duane at> writes:

    Duane> Got a question about something I don't quite get. I've got
    Duane> some pretty heavily laden resolvers, as well as some busy
    Duane> authoritative nameservers.  We're seeing a lot of traffic
    Duane> on the caching resolvers from the different root servers,
    Duane> and I'm wondering why that might be. Why would the root
    Duane> servers query us? or is it the other way around - are we
    Duane> querying the root nameservers... ??? 

It'll be the other way round. The root servers will be answering
questions from your servers. They have no reason to ever ask any other
name server about anything. You might want to investigate why your
servers are generating so much traffic to the root servers: this
suggests a local misconfiguration or maybe an old name server that
doesn't do negative caching.

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