Dan's "Ease of Use" Table, Redux (was Re: bind 8.2.4: limiting used memory?)

D. J. Bernstein 75628121832146-bind at sublist.cr.yp.to
Sun Aug 12 10:18:38 UTC 2001

Pete ``If his software implemented eternal life I wouldn't use it'' Ehlke:
> Are you claiming that djbdns, as shipped from your site, is a complete
> DNS maintenance system that does not need any extra scripts to be fully
> functional?

You haven't told us your personal definition of ``complete DNS
maintenance system,'' so that's a meaningless question.

If you're trying to ask whether djbdns has a built-in hook to your
home-grown corporate database running on a Sinclair ZX-81, the answer is
no. It also won't fetch your mail, brew coffee, or provide eternal life.

It does, however, make DNS easier to use. Typical system administrators
who read my table at http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/blurb/easeofuse.html will
recognize their current DNS procedures and see that they can perform the
same tasks more easily with djbdns.

> If your answer is another one of your ad-hominems

I never make ad-hominem arguments. If you don't know what the phrase
``ad hominem'' means, go look it up.


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