bind 8.2.4: limiting used memory?

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Thu Aug 9 02:28:35 UTC 2001

At 2:32 AM +0200 8/9/01, Michael Kjorling wrote:

>  On Aug 9 2001 00:00 -0000, D. J. Bernstein wrote:
>>  Learn to read. I didn't start any of these discussions. Knowles did.
>>  If his list actually exists, he should post it, so we can evaluate it
>>  on its merits.

	My list of reasons has largely been taken from other people 
posting on this mailing list, and my examination of the 
and related web pages.  I believe that I have previously posted most 
of its contents to this list on prior occasions, or at least earlier 
versions of it.  Check the archives.

	What I am currently in the process of evolving is something that 
I am intending to save for publication in a book.  If Dan doesn't 
like that, he's welcome write his own (which I presume would be 
called something like "The Newest Testament").

	As for starting the BIND-djbdns "war" (if it can be called that), 
Dan definitely started that.  This is a mailing list/newsgroup for 
the discussion of BIND, and for some reason he seems to think that 
this means that it is his own personal private list for the express 
purpose of spamming people about the "obviously" superior software 
that he himself has invented (after toiling, lo these many millenia), 
and will patent.

	Indeed, I'm surprised that he doesn't already have a patent on 
the idea of patenting something.  And I continue to be amazed that he 
hasn't already been granted the world-wide patent on the idea of the 

	I do note that, for some reason I cannot fathom, I appear to 
actually rate a real name, even if it is just my last name.  I'm 
still trying to decide whether or not I should be offended that I am 
not being called "The BIND Boy".

	Of course, only Cricket and his co-author would rate being called 
"The BIND Man", but that has rather less of a perjorative sense about 
it ;-).

>  This newsgroup/mailing list is moderated. But so far the moderator
>  just seems to be approving everything - even a blank "test" message
>  got through to everyone here not long ago.

	This is called robo-moderation.  Everything sent to the mailing 
list is posted to the newsgroup, and vice-versa.  Other than 
unsubscribing people whose e-mail is bouncing, no other filtering or 
other official monitoring activities takes place.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>


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