chroot-ed bind 9 (was: Users Want *Seamless* Solutions, Not Patchwork)

Pete Ehlke pde at
Tue Aug 7 08:45:50 UTC 2001

D. J. Bernstein (75628121832146-bind at said, on [010805 23:07]:
> Pete ``If his software implemented eternal life I wouldn't use it'' Ehlke:

Hahahahahaha. Oh, my. Now, I'd completely forgotten about that little
bit of irreverence from a.s.r. As long as you're still holding on to it
after- what? 5 years now?, would you care to share the entire quote with
the class? With the spotty archiving of newsgroups of that era, and with
the common practice of using X-no-archive: in the monestary back then, I
can't seem to find a copy of the original post.

> > You don't need any external kludges like multilog.
> multilog is a general-purpose tool with much more powerful filtering
> than BIND's internal logging. You can use it to monitor all queries
> involving a selected host, for example.
Perhaps my sentence was unclear. I did not intend to call multilog
itself a kludge. Rather, I would argue that in this case, where the
user stated a requirement for rotating bind logfiles, and that
requirement is easily met with 'versions' and 'size' options to a
channel statement, forcing bind to send everything to stderr and then
off to multilog is a kludge. 

Were the user asking for a solution requiring finer granularity than
simple logfile rotation, I would have suggested a number of external
solutions, perhaps even including multilog if daemontools is an
acceptable package at his site. But that wasn't the user's requirement,
and like most sysadmins, I prefer to KISS.


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