rndc question

Wittenberg, Chris cwittenberg at ec2.edu
Fri Aug 3 22:15:01 UTC 2001


I'm running BIND 9.1.3 on a solaris 8 server, and I'm just getting around to
using (or figuring out how to use) rndc. I am following along in the book
(DNS & BIND 4th ed), and I've just set up my named.conf with the following
(verbatim from the book):

controls {
	inet * allow { any; } keys { "rndc-key"; };

key "rndc-key" {
	algorithm hmac-md5;
	secret "Zm9vCg==";

and just created a rndc.conf with:

options {
	default-server localhost;
	default-key "rndc-key";

key "rndc-key" {
	algorithm hmac-md5;
	secret "Zm9vCg==";

I've got the files owned by user "dns" with rw permissions for the user
only. And dns is run as:
/usr/local/sbin/named -u dns

I think my next step is to run "rndc reload", but I get this error from

Aug 3 14:37:18 external /usr/local/sbin/named[14132]: [ID 866145
daemon.warning] couldn't add command channel permission denied

1. I *think* 953 is the port that rndc wants to use - is it giving me a
permission denied because I'm not running named as root? How do I overcome

2. What is channel - I don't have anything configured like that. Is
it just residue of the error message, or something I should be concerned

3. The book says I can use mmencode to create a code, but I don't have that
on my system. Is it a download, or part of a particular unix
distribution...? Is there another mmencode-like tool I can get/use for

Thanks for your help!


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