Win 2K & Bind

Kenneth Kalan kgk at
Mon Apr 30 19:15:31 UTC 2001

Lately I've been starting to see users with questions about w2K and bind.

I want to upgrade to bind 9.1.1 but have recently been approached by a 
couple departments to allow them to run their own dns on a win 2k server to 
it can happily exist with the deployment of w2k desktops and active 

I really don't want to do this, I'd like the dns to stay in one place.  I'd 
appreciate  if someone could point me to some resources (URL's or Books) on 
how to make win2k and bind play nice together.  What the win 2k folks need 
to do to configure their machines and also for setting up bind to work with 
win 2k and active directories.

I'd like to be able to tell them that we can setup bind to work with win2k, 
keeping dns in one place (on a unix sytem), yet allowing them that same 
functionality as though dns was moved to a wintel box.

Does anyone know if this is covered in the new Bind & Dns book, vol 4 which 
is comming out?  I haven't ordered mine yet.



Kenneth Kalan
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
Technical Support Consultant
kgk at

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