Upgrading BIND

James jsimons at edistonet.com
Mon Apr 30 14:36:28 UTC 2001


I've just stepped into the shoes of a Network Administrator at an ISP
and I've got a few questions.

Right now there are two servers up and running.  One is the Web Server
and the other is running BIND, my mail server, and the authentication
for my dial up customers.  I'm having a pretty vicious problem with my
mail server in that it is spontaneously cutting itself off after running
for a few days.  I'm thinking that there are too many rescources being
used at one time on this  server and I would like to move BIND to my Web
Server as this seems like a more logical place for it anyway.

Now, my question for you all is what would be involved in this?  Would I
essentially be installing a fresh version of BIND onto the Web Server
and then copying over the old config files?  Currently BIND v4.6 is
running on the server.   I would like to bring it up to v8 to take
advantage of the new bug fixes etc, but would a complete reworking of
the configuration files be necesary for this?

Thanks for your help,

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