my local zone rejected

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Apr 19 17:34:30 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Gianluca" == Assihm  <gianluca at> writes:

    Gianluca> im running bind 8.2.3 on a Deb2.2r2, in my soho net, im
    Gianluca> not able to load my local zone which defines my doamin
    Gianluca> called AlaShan. The errors reported in the syslog are
    Gianluca> (right after 'ndc restart' cmd):

Your SOA record is badly broken and syntactically illegal. It's
missing the RNAME field, so the parser is misinterpreting the rest of
the record. A side effect of that is the sanity checks on the refresh
and retry values produce spectacular warnings. Try something like:

    IN SOA FQDN-of-master-server (
	   2001041900 ; Serial
	   .... etc

And try to use the YYYYMMDDVV convention for the SOA Serial Number.

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