
Stephen Amadei amadei at dandy.net
Wed Apr 18 21:31:50 UTC 2001

Hi everyone.

I have been crunching through the Bind 8.2.3 for awhile now in my quest
to compile a rigged copy of nsupdate (for my own internal use only).

Maybe it's just me but I've had a tough time getting a grip on the
internal workings of the code.

Does anyone have a patch or know of a patch for the bind package so that
nsupdate does not use the resolver library to do a name server update?  I
want to be able to specify, either on the command line or hardcoded, the
IP address of a name server to update.

Or can someone point me to the right line of code in the bind package to
twiddle?  I don't care if it breaks everything else, as I'm only custom
compiling nsupdate.  

Thanx in advance.

Stephen Amadei
Dandy.net CTO
Atlantic City, NJ

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