Locating file that have been changed added or overwriten during bind install

Ted Watson t405405 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 12 14:39:01 UTC 2001


Do a level 0 dump before the upgrade. Do a level one immediately
after. The only thing in the level one dump will be the bind
changes. That will tell you what files in which places to
restore. You can interactively look at the dump set..If you
have a lot of spare space you may be able to dump and restore
to a partition which means a rollback to the prior release
would take a minute or two.


>From: "S T" <unburnt96 at hotmail.com>
>To: bind-users at isc.org
>Subject: Locating file that have been changed added or overwriten during 
>bind install
>Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 16:08:55 -0400
>I have to do an upgrade of bind for 4.9.4 to 4.9.8, on a production box, 
>I need to find out what files are added, changed or over written. I can't 
>grade to 8 or 9 at this time because my company has a application that 
>with bind 4.9.x but crashes both 8 & 9 version. So I need to be able to
>locate the files that have changed once I install the new version of bind
>just incase some thing goes wrong and I have to restore. This is on Solaris
>2.6, and the previous version of bind isn't a package but part of the Os or
>maybe it is part of a larger package. Ether way I haven't been able to find
>a way other than restoring to back up of this upgrade in case of a problem
>in order to do a restore I need to know what has changed. If some one know
>this or knows where I can find this information please let me know.
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