New user

Richard Humphrey brorich at
Sat Sep 16 16:27:47 UTC 2000

I am a new user and I was wondering if the following scenario is
possible. Can i set up my home machine (cable modem using @home
service) to have it's own domain name. I dont own a domain but heard that
i could set it up to use one of the free dns services to get my name. I am
currently using the service to rediriect to my machine, but they are too
unreliable and are down quite often. I am unfamiliar with bind and am not
quite sure how to set this up (if it is possible). I have read the DNS
How-to but my scenario seems out of the realm of what it covers. 

+  Richard Humphrey 		       	                       +
+  brorich at           <----- Powered by Linux----->    +
+                                   +
+  ICQ# 18339539                                               +
11:23am up 19:45, 1 user, load average: 1.31, 0.78, 0.38

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