Preventing non-authorized zonetransfers??

Josh Higham bindadmin at
Thu Sep 28 19:47:26 UTC 2000

-----Original Message-----
From: Reinier J. Bruil <reinierb at>
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.dns.bind
To: comp-protocols-dns-bind at
<comp-protocols-dns-bind at>
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2000 11:31 AM
Subject: Preventing non-authorized zonetransfers??

>Now we could add the allow-zonetransfer directive in each
>zonedescription, but that would make the nameserver very slow; besides,

What gave you that impression?  I don't think allow-transfer will affect
your nameserver at all, unless someone requests a transfer (not too
frequent), and then it should still (probably) cause less load then actually
transfering the zone.  Let me know if I'm wrong, or misunderstanding you.

Josh Higham

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