Compiling errors for BIND 8.2.2 P5 on Solaris 2.6 with GCC

Nguyen, Son . SNguyen at
Tue Sep 26 14:56:24 UTC 2000

Thank you so much for your prompt response to my cry for help. I finally
have made it by modifying the Makefile.set to change the line 'CC=gcc' into

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Reid
To: Nguyen, Son .
Cc: bind-users at
Sent: 9/25/00 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: Compiling errors for BIND 8.2.2 P5 on Solaris 2.6 with GCC 

>>>>> "Son" == Nguyen, Son <SNguyen at> writes:

    Son> III. Errors encounterd However, when running make depend, I
    Son> encountered many error messages, which all stated that

    Son>  "gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cpp': No such file or

The gnu C compiler is not installed correctly on your computer. It's
unable to find the C preprocessor (cpp), the first phase of the actual
compiler. The most likely explanation is that the compiler wasn't
installed properly. Maybe gcc - the program that drives the
compilation - was just copied from some other computer and the actual
compiler executables were left untouched. It's also possible, but
unlikely, that gcc thinks the compiler executables live in a different
directory from where they've actually been installed. This shouldn't
happen. Check the gcc configuration and installation.

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