DNS software...

Len Conrad lconrad at Go2France.com
Mon Sep 25 09:09:58 UTC 2000

>Okay, i know i should not post much here, but i can't seem to find anything
>elsewhere on the net.
>I want to know URL's to different DNS software utils..  like for
>troubleshooting domains...
>I have heard of a util called "Domain Expert".. where can I find this?

Your cousins, just across the north atlantic, in 
Bjorkland:  www.MenAndMice.com   15-day, trial key is available.


http://BIND8NT.MEIway.com: ISC BIND 8.2.2 p5  installable binary for NT4
http://IMGate.MEIway.com:  Build free, hi-perf, anti-spam mail gateways

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