"host" command fails when too many RR

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Sep 21 16:06:17 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob De Langhe <rob.delanghe at gtsgroup.com> writes:

    Rob> I have a forward zone file with about 289 lines in it, which
    Rob> is accepted correctly by named on the primary, and by the
    Rob> zone transfers to the secondaries.

    >> From any host, even on the primary, when issuing the command
    >> "host -l
    Rob> <forwarddomain> <primary-server>", this command fails when
    Rob> even a single line is added to the forward zone file.

    Rob> The error message given by the "host" command is

    Rob>  *** incomplete resource record for <somehost>.<forwarddomain>, offset 8188

Well if you won't provide an exact copy of the zone file or the
details of the name servers and conceal the name of the domain and the
offending resource record, how do you expect anyone to help?

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