Need Help with Royally Screwed DNS!

Igmar Palsenberg maillist at
Wed Sep 20 20:39:17 UTC 2000

On 20 Sep 2000 dns at wrote:

> If this newsgroup is inappropriate for our problem, we apologize and urgently implore you to refer us to a proper source for help.
> We have a webservice provider who is new and unfamiliar with whatever has caused our problem, so we seek help that can be passed to him.
> Our domains are not being accessed correctly.  Some locations get misdirected w/their browsers, and some domains' email is bounced or cannot receive from us.
> Everyone is invited to check access, finger and traceroutes  from your own location.  The domains are:

With and without www, I always get the same IP.

> is stacked onto
> We get, from our local access, different results when we try them with and without the "www" prefix (we advertise and access the site without it), and one configuration accesses a stranger's domain that has nothing to do with us.
> When one does a traceroute or finger for the domains, really strange dns divergences are seen.
> We need to either tell our provider what to do to fix it, or be referred to whatever office CAN fix it!

Looks like you privider screwed up the virtual host, or someone uses
anchient webclients.

> Anyone who can help us, PLEASE EMAIL your reply to dns at  If we do not respond to you you'll know that we didn't get it.


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