Park and point domains

Ian Carr-de Avelon avelon at
Wed Sep 20 10:11:05 UTC 2000

The most likely place to fix this is in the email server (sendmail?) changes
to the domain files will only help if there are certain specific (unusual
and maybe dangerous even) configuration options set (in the case of sendmail)

taylor864 at (Ray Taylor) wrote:
>I've been thrown into a situation, and I am hoping that someone can lend me 
>some assistance.  I have a client, xzy.dom with a web site and email.  They 
>also own tuv.dom which simply points to xyz.dom (park and point).  The web 
>works the way it should, in that the correct site comes up.  The problem is 
>with email.  Whenever email is sent to user at tuv.dom, the mail server 
>responds with:
>553 mail.tuv.dom. config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)
>554 <user at tuv.dom>... Local configuration error
>Reporting-MTA: dns;
>Support says this can be handled through the zone file for tuv.dom.  
>Unfortunatly, the free support ran out 2 days ago and this is a chargeable 
>request.  Can anyone help me out here?

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