Jim Reid jim at
Thu Oct 26 22:20:35 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Stalder <tom at> writes:

    Thomas> Even before getting to the point to introduce the
    Thomas> subdomain we encountered some
    Thomas> problems.  On my first attempts to run Bind with
    Thomas> 'allow-update' the result is, that after a while I get a
    Thomas> corrupted zone file, or at least it looks corrupted to me.

    Thomas> ;BIND DUMP V8 
    Thomas> $ORIGIN  
    Thomas> emea 86400 IN NS  ;Cl=4 
    Thomas>      86400 IN NS  ;Cl=4 

    ... rest of stuff snipped....

Well, what you posted was not a zone file, but the partial contents of
a name server's cache dump. This is not supposed to be pretty or easy
to read. The next thing is that when a zone is under dynamic control,
the zone file is managed by the name server, not by a human. Only the
name server should write the zone file for a dynamically updated zone
and it can do that to suit itself. So pretty layouts and comments will
be gone becase when the name server writes out the dynamically updated
zone file, it prints (more or less) the in-core representation of the
zone's DNS data. Since this file is only meant to be read and loaded
by the name server, that file doesn't have to be human-readable
either. For example, any comments in the original (static) zone will
be lost because the name server ignores them when it loads the zone.

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