Slave / Master

Matthew Thompson matthewt at
Wed Oct 25 12:34:06 UTC 2000

The "master" can never be unsynchronised purely because it has the master

Bind 8.2.2 P5 supports notification when changes are made

In named.conf "notify yes" will notify the remote servers when changes are
made. Eg.

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/var/named/";
        allow-transfer {
        notify yes;

This should override the default settings - if the default is no the "notify
yes" overrides, equally if the default is yes "notify no" will override.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Luis Filipe Fabiani [mailto:luis2 at]
Sent: 25 October 2000 14:13
To: bind
Subject: Slave / Master

First of all thank you for the replys on my previous message....

Now another question: Is there a way to automatically syncronize the "slave"
and "master" name servers ? Is this a option on the named.conf?

Thank you

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