BIND 8.2.3-T6B for Windows NT Update

Danny Mayer mayer at
Mon Oct 23 01:09:07 UTC 2000

		I have released the binary kits for a version of BIND 8.2.3-T6B for
  Windows NT. The latest kit that I made available this weekend includes
  a fix which was preventing nslookup, dig and probably named-xfer from
  doing zone transfers properly (if authorized).  This bug was also present
  in the BIND 8.2.2-P5 and probably earlier releases for NT.

		The kit can be downloaded from Len Conrad's site at URL:

  and is near the bottom.  Among other things it fixes the Multi-A record
  hang and the listening only on one IP address problem.  Please read
  the readme1st.tst before you install it.

		As a bonus, I have ported some of the tools: nslookup, dig and host to
  run on Windows NT.  There's a tools-only kit available also at that same
  Note that the version of dig is in fact 8.3 and not 8.2 as stated on that

		If you have problems or issues with this port, please send mail to this


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