named not answering "external" queries

Danny Mayer mayer at
Mon Oct 23 00:41:28 UTC 2000

	You've missed out the really important information, like which version
 of BIND, what O/S, what O/S are you running nslookup on, can you ping the
 nameserver, etc.


At 01:48 AM 10/22/00 +0000, John Lennon wrote:
>I have 29 static ip addresses  from southwestern bell that i use to host
>8 domains for various purposes.   if i run "nslookup" from one of the boxes
>on my local LAN everything works great. i can resolve any name to ip address
>both on my LAN and the entire internet.  
>but all queries coming from the internet to my named time out. i've tried
>this running "nslookup" from a freind's machine.  
>i  have named running with the "-q" option to log all incoming queries.
>and i can see the requests coming in to named and, from what i understand
>about the log messages, no errors appear to occur but a resonse is never
>sent to the DNS querier.
>Here are the log file entries from my file for one of the queries 
>that times out. If anybody sees a problem or can explain why the response
>never gets to querier if would greatly appreciate your help.
>Thanks in advance,
>Matt Wisner
>datagram from [].38049, fd 22, len 28
>ns_req(from [].38049)
>;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 3270
>;; flags:; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
>;;, type = MX, class = IN
>XX /
>req: nlookup( id 3270 type=15 class=1
>req: found '' as '' (cname=0)
>wanted(0x4012a468, IN MX) [IN MX]
>wanted(0x40126038, IN MX) [IN NS]
>wanted(0x40126068, IN MX) [IN NS]
>wanted(0x4012d008, IN MX) [IN SOA]
>wantedtsig(0x4012a468, IN MX) [IN MX]
>wantedtsig(0x40126038, IN MX) [IN NS]
>wantedtsig(0x40126068, IN MX) [IN NS]
>wantedtsig(0x4012d008, IN MX) [IN SOA]
>make_rr(, 4012a468, bffff7cc, 472, 1) 22 zone 8 ttl 86400
>finddata: added 1 class 1 type 15 RRs
>req: foundname=1, count=1, founddata=1, cname=0
>findns: np 0x40120548 'vi-ltd'
>findns: SOA found
>req: leaving (, rcode 0)
>free_nsp: rcnt 1
>findns: np 0x40120548 'vi-ltd'
>findns: 2 NS's added for 'vi-ltd'
>make_rr(, 40126038, bffff7e5, 447, 1) 14 zone 8 ttl 86400
>make_rr(, 40126068, bffff7f6, 430, 1) 15 zone 8 ttl 86400
>free_nsp: rcnt 1
>free_nsp: rcnt 1
>doaddinfo() addcount = 4
>do additional "" (from "")
>found it
>make_rr(, 40115710, bffff808, 412, 0) 4 zone 8 ttl 86400
>addinfo: adding address data n = 16
>do additional "" (from "")
>found it
>make_rr(, 401156ec, bffff818, 396, 0) 4 zone 8 ttl 86400
>addinfo: adding address data n = 16
>do additional "" (from "")
>found it
>make_rr(, 40115734, bffff828, 380, 0) 4 zone 8 ttl 86400
>addinfo: adding address data n = 16
>do additional "" (from "")
>found it
>ns_req: answer -> [].38049 fd=22 id=3270 size=136 rc=0
>pselect(24, 0xf00060, 0x0, 0x0, 2864.246876000)

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