bind8 or 9? (new user)

Davide Giunchi dukenuke at
Sun Oct 22 15:35:35 UTC 2000

Hi all.
I must manage a small company internet server, i'm installing it and i've
configured mail,web and ftp server .... now i must
install the dns server.
I've a adsl connection and the primary dns is provided by the ISP so i must
install a secondary dns server on my machine,
i've read the DNS Howto but i don't know if i must use bind 8 or 9.
I've read of dnssec feature to sign the zone but i don't think it can bu
useful for my server (or not?), second: i'm not very able
on bind configure so if there's some big configurarion difference between 8
and 9 i will get some troubble ....
It's better to run bind 8 or 9 for my small enviroment? and then have bind
9 only advantage from bind 8?

Thanks for your attention.

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