BIND 8 and Windows 2000 DNS

Danny Mayer mayer at
Sat Oct 21 03:27:02 UTC 2000

	I've had some experience with this kind of thing.  Active Directory is in
  a modified version of an LDAP server (I've jokingly been calling it a
  LDAP), the a lot of data being added and removed from Active Directory
  LDAP was designed to have very few writes, but lots of reads.

	Unless you need WINS, why even bother with the Microsoft's DNS?


At 04:19 PM 10/20/00 +0000, fievel58 at wrote:
>We are working out some of the issues in a Lab. I do have Dynamic DNS
>running BIND 8.2.2 p5 on Solaris 2.7 working. It gets it's updates from
>the Active Directory server Windows 2000. It is a mess as far as
>administration because the Windows admins "want" the Master DNS
>controlled by the Active Directory. MicroSoft says you don't need a
>master DNS anymore just use Win2k and let it take care of everything.
>Looking at a full network rollout I am faced with how to have
>the "master" DNS controllable and recoverable and still allow Win2k to
>work. I know that the Active Directory server needs to register the
>services to DNS and they are in the same file as the addresses.
>Anyway, that's as far as I have gotten. I did get a good reaction by
>stating that I'll just write up a paper relinguishing my responsibility
>for DNS to the Win2k admins and wash my hands of the whole thing. Of,
>course then they want you to help fix things if they fall apart. Enough
>rattling. I hope this helps. I'll keep watching for input and let you
>know what I find as we work through this mess.
>Sent via
>Before you buy.

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