8.2.2P5 Bug with workaround for Win2K dual NIC

Michael Beyer bindbug at darkstreak.com
Sat Oct 14 02:38:40 UTC 2000

Version babble:
   BIND 8.2.2-P5 (may apply to other versions as well)
   Windows2000 5.00.2195SP1 (may apply to other versions as well)
   inetmib1.dll (V5.0.2168.1  12/7/1999 12:00:00 PM)


In BIND 8.2.2-P5 (on Windows2000 and possibly all NT), BIND prefers to use
GetInterfacesSNMP which uses inetmib1.dll to determine what interfaces exist.
Under Windows2000 with dual NICs, inetmib1.dll (V5.0.2168.1  12/7/1999
12:00:00PM) appears to return a scrambled interface list causing some
interfaces to be unavailable.


Force GetInterfacesWSAIoctl to be used by commenting out the following lines
in src\port\winnt\libbind\interface.c:

int GetInterfaces(struct ifdata *IFData[])
//	HANDLE hDLL = LoadLibrary("inetmib1.dll");
//	if(hDLL)
//	{
//		FreeLibrary(hDLL);
//		/* snmpmib.c */
//		return(GetInterfacesSNMP(IFData));
//	}
	/* ioctl_if.c */

-- Michael Beyer
   Darkstreak Consulting

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