Unresponsive Bind

Nathanael Noblet nathanael at nobletdesign.com
Tue Oct 10 23:08:29 UTC 2000

Hello, I've run into some weird problems installing/running
bind-8.2.2-p5. I've tried it three different ways. It's running on
OpenBSD 2.7. I went to the ports tree and did an install from there. It
downloaded fine, compiled and installed. Went through the configuration
files, set them all up. There are no reported errors in the logs when it
starts. It loads the zone files. But when I do an nslookup on it it
doesn't respond. It timesout. It doesn't know it's own named etc... ie
when I do server IPADDRESS I get Server [IPADDRESS] as a responce... So
thinking that the patch level 6 wasn't working right removed it,
downloaded the source for patch level 5. configured and compiled it. I
followed the exact same procedure that I've used on multiple Linux
machines with few alterations for the OpenBSD system... (static and
dynamic libraries). Again I can get it to start and load the zone files.
No response. The named.conf is identical to other systems I have. as are
the zones files. I've removed all filtering rules so they aren't the
problem. I'm lost. I haven't the foggiest what could be wrong.

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