SV: DNS Server

Danny Mayer mayer at
Mon Oct 9 23:43:24 UTC 2000

		BIND doesn't run on Win9x.  If you insist on an MS Windows operating
  system you need to use Windows NT or Windows 2000.  They can be server
  or workstation, it doesn't matter.  Otherwise use Linux on the PC box.


At 12:46 PM 10/9/00 +0200, Johnny Damtoft wrote:
>Use a UNIX OS, and BIND as DNS-software.
>Then almost anything would be posible...
>/ Johnny.
>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>Fra: Lennox Jones [mailto:jhl1067 at]
>Sendt: 8. oktober 2000 20:23
>Til: comp-protocols-dns-bind at
>Emne: DNS Server
>I'm new to setting up DNS. Can someone tell me what the OS recommendations
>are for running a DNS server. can I use Win98 or Win95 and how secure would
>that be behind a firewall?

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