about DNS mapping method

Bobo rainbowave at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 4 01:29:45 UTC 2000

 Hi, all.

 As a DNS user, a BIND user, I have a question 
 about the current DNS mapping method. I am not
 quite sure that my question is related to the
 current DNS infrastructure or just based on the
 BIND, the implementation. 
 Hence, I sent it here at first.
 I hope somebody can drop me few lines on my
 question. Thanks a lot.

 My question is below.
 As known, DNS is also a database system. 
 Then if we think about DNS based on database
 relation, don't you think PTR and A have the 
 same meaning? a relation on address-&-name.
 (not address-to-name, or name-to-address). Is
 there any reason or advantage that cause DNS
 need the direction on its database relation? 
 If we can creat A and PTR record as the same
 record. Then it is abviously that we can reduce
 the size of DNS database. 

 Furthermore, in the DNS cache, you will find 
 though the server has a PTR record in the cache,
 such like  IN  PTR   C.ISI.EDU
 , when you query an A record for the domain name
 C.ISI.EDU's, of course the server will have to
 the nameserver who has the authority on the
 domain "C.ISI.EDU". Why not using the PTR record
 which already exists in the DNS cache? 
 In short, if DNS mapping method is bidirectional
 , maybe DNS can work better. Of course, I do
 think current mapping method should be used in 

 Best Regards.


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