.us domain request denied ????

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Thu Nov 30 03:09:20 UTC 2000

		The operative word here is "should".  It does not say "shall" or "must".
  Therefore they are well within their rights to name it whatever they want.


At 11:06 AM 11/29/00 -0500, John Banas wrote:
>As a holder of 500 .us domains... It should be setup as:
>>From www.nic.us website....
> .........
>City government domain names should be of the form ci.<locality
>>.<state>.us. County government domain names should be of the form
>co.<.locality>.<state>.us. If your entity is not a city or county but
>village, parish, borough, or town, then use the appropriate name instead of
>"ci" or "co".

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