Blocking zone transfer requests from another ISP

Danny Mayer mayer at
Tue Nov 28 02:45:37 UTC 2000

		Did you look them up in whois?  There's a name and usually a phone
  number listed.  Maybe calling them would help.


At 11:53 AM 11/27/00 +0000, dejacom6570 at wrote:
>One of my name servers seems to be getting hit very hard... hundreds of
>repeat requests for zone transfers from an overseas ISP. When I
>tcpdump, I get blah-blah, "Refused." It appears to have happened all
>day, and I think it corrupted something on the primary name server
>because of the intensive logging going on.. I've brought another system
>on-line until I can dig into the first one to find out what happened.
>The second one is now refusing to transfer requests to this ISP same as
>the first unit did.
>I have attempted to contact them, but there's a language problem...
>possibly they've gotten the message as it's slowing down a little,
>however, is there any way to block this specific companies name servers
>until they get this figured out? I don't like the sound of my server
>thrashing - eventhough they are rejections.  There are two IP addresses
>that are being associated with their name servers and I stated above,
>requests are being denied, but they are all logging.
>Bob M.
>Sent via
>Before you buy.

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