Slave Configuration

Danny Mayer mayer at
Thu Nov 23 04:33:54 UTC 2000

			Did you visit the  site?  This site has
  some configuration information.  The NT version of BIND is identical in
  way for configuration and zone files.  If you have a working version of BIND
  on a Unix box, you just copy over the named.conf files and the zone files.
  It will work.  You may have to edit the named.conf file of whatever is the
  master for the zone otherwise it won't allow zone transfers or notify the
  slave of changes.  Logging is to the application event log, unless you
  specify logging in your named.conf file.

		If you've built your own version of BIND 8.2.3, you are presumably
  running T6B Beta release.  I have made available binary kits of this beta
  (currently revved to NT4) on the above site.  The kit has a bunch of fixes
  for NT so you may want to try that.  I also made available the main DNS
  tools: nslookup, dig and host.  I've been making additional changes so that
  BIND 8.2.3-T8B beta release will build out-of-the-box.  We're almost there.


At 09:04 AM 11/22/00 -0600, Jamie P. Bontrager wrote:
>Hi all,
>We are currently switching are whole operation over to NT from UNIX. And
>right now the task at hand is DNS. We are familiar with Bind for Unix so we
>decided to implement Bind for NT 8.2.3. Right now we have Bind on one of our
>new NT servers that's not live on the internet yet (which may be the
>problem). We are trying to test it as the secondary (i.e. slave) DNS but are
>having trouble achieving this. We are most certain that we have the slave
>dns configured correctly according to the samples provided. I really don't
>like to read much and so I'm in need of some more examples of how a working
>slave dns configuration for bindnt looks. If anyone would be so kind,
>whether it's your own or an in-depth example, you can email it to the
>address below. Sure would appreciate it. Any other resources would be
>helpful to.
>Jamie P. Bontrager
>jamie at

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