Some DNS not seeing our mail server!?!

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Nov 22 02:30:02 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Sean" == virtualsean  <virtualsean at> writes:

    Sean> Kevin, First-off I am not so presumptuous that I am going to
    Sean> seek a "resolution" to *my* problem. It would be nice, but I
    Sean> feel fortunate if someone can just share some info which
    Sean> will aid in my being able to work toward a solution.

I'd say you'll need a miracle if you expect someone to "share info"
that will solve your problem unless you provide relevant information,
like the names and name servers involved. It's doubtful if mind
reading and psychic powers are common skills in the readership of
bind-users. What's not in doubt is the number of naive or misguided
people who seem to think that these things are readily available in
this forum. Sigh.

    Sean> The hostility in this group is palpable.

I see no hostility. Just a reasonable response to an ill-considered
question. If you can't/won't provide information germane to the
problem you're experiencing, how can you possibly expect that problem
to be resolved? Even in theoretical or abstract terms...

BTW, it's hardly suprising that you got a curt response. That's to be
expected after the umpteenth question-with-no-useful-information we've
seen too often in bind-users already.

    Sean> I'm just trying to participate in the process as a good
    Sean> Netizen.

Well asking for help with your DNS problems when you don't provide:
	(a) the name(s) you're looking up;
	(b) the address of your name server;
	(c) details of how you server has been set up;
	(d) relevant zone and/or config files;
	(e) BIND version
is hardly the act of a "good Netizen" whatever that is.

Why do you seem so surprised when someone asks for that information?
Would you visit a doctor and expect them to diagnose your illness
without giving a reasonable description of your symptoms?

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