BIND 8.2.2-P7 and NOTIFY flood

Hu, Xiaodong XHu at
Thu Nov 16 16:31:06 UTC 2000

The keyword here is all, you can specify each zone for notify yes/no.
a little bit help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Karoliussen [mailto:nc at]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 7:40 AM
To: comp-protocols-dns-bind at
Subject: BIND 8.2.2-P7 and NOTIFY flood

Is there a way to prevent master to send NOTIFY to its slaves on start-up?
I have noticed that master server always send a notify for all zones it has in its configuration
when named is initiated..

I have reviewed the current configuration options for 8.2.x, but can't find any way to disable
this. You may set "notify no", but this totally disable the notify feature, and you usually don't
want to do this. The reason for wanting to disable this initial notify, is that the notify transactions
between master and the slave(s) are somewhat time and CPU consuming when having a large
amount of zones allocated.

Are there actually any obvious reason for the master server to send notifies for absolutely *all*
zones on start-up?


Kenneth Karoliussen

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