AXFR from BIND primary to Win2k secondary - known problem?

Mitchell Krog mitchellk at
Sat Nov 11 08:28:47 UTC 2000

Hi Shawn

I have the same problem which I posted here about a week
ago and nobody has replied yet.
I am awaiting feedback from MS, I have lodged an official
support request.
I can transfer the domain the first time ... ie creating the
new secondary on the W2K box, but thereafter it will not
do zone transfers to get new info.
However I recently started doing Primaries on the W2K box with
the Bind 8.2.2p5 as the secondary and it works like a charm.

Lets see if anyone replies.


-----Original Message-----
From: news at [mailto:news at]On Behalf Of Shawn
Sent: 10 November 2000 23:32
To: comp-protocols-dns-bind at
Subject: AXFR from BIND primary to Win2k secondary - known problem?

I'm having trouble getting zone transfers from BIND 8.2.3-T5B running on
FreeBSD to be accepted by Win2ksp1 secondaries.

Win2k complains that the server isn't authoritative for this zone (even
though it is).  The BIND server has no problem serving those zones to other
BIND secondaries, and the BIND logging seems to indicate a successful AXFR
taking place, showing both the security approval for that IP and the AXFR.

I can do an AXFR between a Win2k primary and a BIND secondary without a
problem (no ADS involved, yet..).

Is this some known breakage or am I missing something here?  I'm expecting
*something* to be incompatible but not quite this bad.

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