alot of ixfr.tmp files

Danny Mayer mayer at
Thu Nov 9 01:09:50 UTC 2000

		I had spoken to the person who wrote the ixfr code and he told me that
  this was a bug that he had fixed and will be in the next release of 8.2.3
  when that becomes available.  In the meantime, it's safe to just delete
  files from time to time.


At 12:55 PM 11/8/00 +0300, muheeb wrote:
>Hello ppl,
>I am getting a lot of these (attached file) files in my zonefile folder. =
>When I try to see the content it is empty. Can anyone shed some lights =
>on this please..
>Danny, have you ever experinced this with WinNT.

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