Proposed new operational mode for primary master

Bob Vance bobvance at
Sat Nov 4 13:43:53 UTC 2000

ISTM that it wouldn't be that hard to implement (but, then, I'm not
maintaining the code, am I ;>) a zone attribute:

or  "split_forwarders{...};"

that could be applied to a master or slave zone .

The request would only be forwarded if:

  1) we are authoritative for it.
  2) we would return an NXDOMAIN

I wouldn't arbitrarily forward *all* NXDOMAINs, because of possible
forwarding to delegated sub-domain servers -- if they return an
NXDOMAIN, then we certainly don't want to subsequently forward to the
external server.

I suppose it also could just be a Boolean


That would forward to the existing list of forwarders, since, in this
scenario the forwarder list would just be the external DNS server.
This would be a lot easier to implement.

I could see that this "split_forward" would be useful in the particular
case that Ken wants -- same domain name inside and outside.

Now, I haven't given any thought to mail or reverse-domain issues.

>Using a separate domain name for the inside segment, despite here being
>no logically compelling reason for doing so, conveys no value and
>unnecessarily complicates the naming structure.

I disagree.  I think that it makes perfect sense to have the internal
name be a sub-domain of the external name.
That's what we did for years -- and -- with no
problems.  This makes it a lot easier to avoid naming conflicts that
would arise in the split_forward scenario.  E.g., you wouldn't be able
to use internally, since it is most likely the external
web server.  Of course, you could argue that your intranet servers
*should* have different names, like say, www-i, I guess.

Tks        | <mailto:Bob_Vance at>
BV         | <mailto:bobvance at>
Sr. Technical Consultant,  SBM, A Gates/Arrow Co.
Vox 770-623-3430           11455 Lakefield Dr.
Fax 770-623-3429           Duluth, GA 30097-1511

-----Original Message-----
From: news at [mailto:news at]On
Behalf Of wallewek at
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 5:51 PM
To: comp-protocols-dns-bind at
Subject: Re: Proposed new operational mode for primary master

"Kenneth Porter" <shiva at> wrote:

>On Wed, 01 Nov 2000 07:40:14 GMT, wallewek at wrote:
>>One _could_ suggest that it isn't legitimate for the internal network
>>use the same domain name as the external one.  That may be defensible
>>the perspective of making things easy for existing DNS software, but
>>the perspective of logical name space, sharing the common domain name
>>perfectly legitimate.  If the DNS machinery handled it well, there
would no
>>logical problems that I can see.
>A better solution is to use a separate private domain for your internal
>LAN, say mybigcompany.internal (is there a standard TLD for private
>domains?) and use a CNAME within your internal domain to reference
>hosts (such as www) in the public domain. Your internal users enter
>"www.mybigcompany.internal" and your DNS resolves this to a CNAME to
>Do you have some strong reason to use your public domain on your
>private LAN?
>mailto:shiva at

Using a separate domain name for the inside segment, despite here being
logically compelling reason for doing so, conveys no value and
unnecessarily complicates the naming structure.  It's a pointless kludge
with no justification other than to keep the existing DNS infrastructure

The "strong reason" you ask for is simply that: simplicity.  We can
always live with any arbitrary needless complexity, but every time we
to doing so, we are violating the rules that allow computers and
to progress.


Ken Wallewein
Calgary, Alberta
kenw at

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