Proposed new operational mode for primary master

Kenneth Porter shiva at
Wed Nov 1 08:24:36 UTC 2000

On Wed, 01 Nov 2000 07:40:14 GMT, wallewek at wrote:

>One _could_ suggest that it isn't legitimate for the internal network to
>use the same domain name as the external one.  That may be defensible from
>the perspective of making things easy for existing DNS software, but from
>the perspective of logical name space, sharing the common domain name seems
>perfectly legitimate.  If the DNS machinery handled it well, there would no
>logical problems that I can see.

A better solution is to use a separate private domain for your internal
LAN, say mybigcompany.internal (is there a standard TLD for private
domains?) and use a CNAME within your internal domain to reference
hosts (such as www) in the public domain. Your internal users enter
"www.mybigcompany.internal" and your DNS resolves this to a CNAME to

Do you have some strong reason to use your public domain on your
private LAN?

mailto:shiva at

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