Where is the cache?

Barry Margolin barmar at genuity.net
Tue May 30 14:29:58 UTC 2000

In article <00052717434601.27894 at dalrun.com>,
Dave Lers  <dave at dalrun.com> wrote:
>Ok this might be a dumb question but my logs have a lot of messages like
>"Cleaned cache of 49 RRsets", there's also the ncache_tt, which implies stuff
>is being cached on my box, where is this cache?

In named's memory.

>I'm wondering what resources are being used and how running a caching

Use "ps" to see the size of the named process to see how much VM it's

>only (not an option for me but I'm curious) or forwarding DNS compares? Am I,
>as a single user, better to forward user queries to my ISP's DNS?

A forwarding DNS also caches all the answers it gets.  The difference
between forwarding and non-forwarding is that the latter works its way down
from the root servers, while the former always sends its queries to the
ISP's server and lets it do all the hard work.

A month or two I wrote a message that tried to explain the pros and cons of
the two approaches in more detail.  Summing it up, using forwarding adds an
extra link in the chain, which could slow things down, but that link may
already have the answer cached because another customer asked for it, which
could speed things up.

Barry Margolin, barmar at genuity.net
Genuity, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.

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