NSLint and PTR Record

Tilman Schmidt Tilman.Schmidt at sema.de
Tue May 23 06:10:25 UTC 2000

At 20:23 22.05.00 +0000, David Cost wrote:
>Thanks. When I try to create a PTR record using standard syntax for a
>PTR record in the zone NSLINT rejects it. I was hoping someone may have
>in fact successfully created a PTR record at Granite that worked for
>them and did not get rejected by NSLINT.

It might be helpful to see the actual nslint message, but as a wild
guess, you aren't by any chance trying to put the PTR record in the
same zone file as your forward (A, MX, etc.) records?
Tilman Schmidt          E-Mail: Tilman.Schmidt at sema.de (office)
Sema Group Koeln, Germany       tilman at schmidt.bn.uunet.de (private)

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