A records point to a domain

Cricket Liu cricket at acmebw.com
Thu May 18 17:53:23 UTC 2000

> I've noticed that a lot of sites can be accessed by the domain name only
> - there is no need for a full hostname (e.g. http://yahoo.com goes to the
> same site as http://www.yahoo.com).  On further investigation into this
> is appears that an A record has been set up for the domain:
> from dig yahoo.com
> yahoo.com A (Address)
> Is this kind of thing RFC compliant?  Does it raise any issues or cause
> any potiential problems?

It's perfectly RFC-compliant, and it causes no problems.  How
could it, given how many web sites use it?

> It seems to me that this breaks every DNS convention - but it appears to
> work.

I can't think of one DNS convention it breaks.  Which were
you thinking of?


Acme Byte & Wire
cricket at acmebw.com

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