Advise Requested regarding serial number for DDNS

Andras Salamon andras at
Fri May 12 08:53:29 UTC 2000

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 05:15:37PM -0700, Brian Keves - NCS UAI Contractor wrote:
> Each Dynamic Update seems to increment the serial number for the zone
> and I'm going to run out of serial numbers fast using the current
> strategy:
>                                 2000051100      ; Serial
> ;                               YYYYMMDDCC      ; Year, Month, Day, Count
> Is there a limit to the number of digits I can use for the serial number?

Yes: it is a 32 bit integer.  If regarded as unsigned, the range is
0 to 2^32 - 1 =  4294967295.  If signed, then the range is -2^31 =
-2147483648 to 2^31 -1 = 2147483647.

The archives have several posts describing other serial number schemes,
for instance YYYYDDDCCC (D = day of the year, 1..366).

-- Andras Salamon                   andras at
--        DNS Resources Directory
--                                  The online DNS reference since 1994

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