more detailed query logging

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Tue May 9 23:11:44 UTC 2000

Henning Rohde wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> i'd like to to extend query logging on my private nameserver to get
> not only when did who look for what but also the answer.
> for example not only:
> "24-Apr-2000 14:06:42.028 XX+/"
> but also for "" that could be the answer
> What is the parameter to set?

I don't believe this is possible with the query-logging mechanism. With
debug level 11, you get to see the entire contents of the nameserver's
responses, but you'd have to parse it out from a whole bunch of other
stuff you probably don't care about.

Another option would be to run a sniffer capture.

- Kevin

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