DNS error message

Mark.Andrews at nominum.com Mark.Andrews at nominum.com
Tue May 9 00:22:34 UTC 2000

	It means that a sanity check failed.  The nameserver was
	attempting to free a databuf (as the result of a reference
	count going to zero) while it was still deemed to be active.

	You don't say what version of named you are running.  In earlier
	versions of named the variable that held the reference count was
	to small and overflowed.

	The current BIND version is BIND 8.2.2-P5.  You can find the
	current bind version via one or all of the following proceedures.

	strings /usr/sbin/named | grep named
	dig +norec chaos txt version.bind @server
	named -v

	The above is in cronological feature order.  If strings fail you
	are running a very old bind (4.8 / 4.8.x).


> Can someone tell me what the following DNS error message mean?
> db_free: DB_F_ACTIVE set - ABORT
> Thanks
> James
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.
Mark Andrews, Nominum Inc.
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark.Andrews at nominum.com

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