Neophyte in a conundrum

Jared Johnson jared.johnson at
Tue Mar 14 17:49:19 UTC 2000

I actually am having the same problem... go figure.  It is probably the same
financial institution, but I also have certain online brokers and aerospace
companies as well.  Nothing shows up as being denied on the firewall too,
right?  If it's not a bug in the resolver, a certain firewall <or always
possible our configuration of either>, then it would have to be at the
institutions end.  The only similarity with these sights is they start with
<most likely a cname> of   I'm trying to get in
contact with them but to no avail.

Solution... for now,

put        forwarders { ip.of.isp.nameserver };        in the options
section of your named.conf.  This will query isp for the names you can't
resolve yourself.

TECSTAR Inc.,  Applied Solar Division
Information Technology Support Center
Jared H. Johnson, IS Engineer

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