a bit of theory about PTR records requested

Martijn van Katwijk mkatwijk at aaa.nl
Wed Mar 29 14:26:18 UTC 2000

At 15:44 29-3-00, Gregg Rosenberg wrote:
>With the address range you are showing, I will assume that we are looking 
>at an internal DNS for address space behind your firewall.

No, i'm sorry, it was meant to be an example. Wrong example...

I'm deleting a lot of PTR records now (one PTR per IP), so i'm happy. I 
know what to do.


>There are slight performance advantages to setting up reverses.  If your 
>users are not connecting to any services on the inside that require 
>reverse authentication it likely does not matter.  I personally consider 
>it a good practice to do.  Depending on your environment there are 
>different ways to approach this.  If you are running a DHCP server with 
>statically assigned leases, you can dump your DHCP table into Excel (or 
>some other favorite spreadsheet tool) and use a macro to make the reverse 
>file.  You could write a script to convert your forward into a reverse and 
>run it each time you make a change.  (one may exist on the net, although I 
>don't personally no of it.  The other option might be to consider using 
>dynamic DNS with DHCP.  This is still a bit new and likely will require 
>patience and testing.  I hope these ideas are helpful.
>At 03:33 AM 03/29/2000, Martijn van Katwijk wrote:
>>I also have zones like this:
>>domain.com.     IN      A
>>www             IN      CNAME   domain.com.
>>In fact I have quite a lot of these, all pointing to a single virtual 
>>name based webserver with only a few IP nrs assigned to it.
>>So I have a lot of A records to a single IP nr.
>>Do I have to configure a PTR for each A record? Or is that meaningless.
>Gregg Rosenberg -- N9NNO
>RICIS, Inc.
>gregg at ricis.com
>"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you
>take your eyes off your goals."  Author unknown

Martijn van Katwijk
AAA on Internet
info at aaa.nl
+31 342 418225 (Tel)
+31 342 423568 (Fax)


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