Thor Kottelin thor at
Fri Mar 24 08:37:39 UTC 2000

BIND Users Mailing List wrote:

> From: "Michael Vincent K. Pozon - CompE" <vince at>

>         how do i insert the directive $TLL in a zone file ?

I assume you mean $TTL. Here's an example:

$ORIGIN	domain.example.
@	SOA	ns	hostmaster	(
		20000312401 8H 2H 7D 1D	)
	NS	ns
ns	A

> by the way , what's the default TTL value ? minimum ?

   --- the typical values --- vary widely.
   Popular documentation like [RFC 1033] recommended a day for the
   minimum TTL, which is now considered too low except for zones with
   data that vary regularly.  Once a DNS stabilizes, values on the order
   of 3 or more days are recommended.  It is also recommended that you
   individually override the TTL on certain RRs which are often
   referenced and don't often change to have very large values (1-2
   weeks).  Good examples of this are the MX, A, and PTR records of your
   mail host(s), the NS records of your zone, and the A records of your

(RFC 1912)


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