Named losing track of named-xfer processes

Andrew McNamara andrewm at
Thu Jun 29 02:37:59 UTC 2000

We're seeing named 8.2.2-P5 losing track of named-xfer processes - ndc
status reports "xfers running: 20", and there will be only (say) 2
named-xfer processes. This gradually deteriorates until all available
slots are taken up by non-existent processes.

Particularly curious is that two machines are doing this in exact
synchronisation (within a few seconds of each other), which makes me
suspect a single zone we're secondarying on both machines is causing
named-xfer to fail in a way that named isn't noticing.

Reloading clears the problem (of course), but it's too disruptive - the
machines are authoritative for around 10000 domains and it takes a long
time to reload them.

Andrew McNamara (System Architect) Pty Ltd
Lvl 3, 213 Miller St, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9409 2117, Fax: +61 2 9409 2111

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