Question regarding load balancing

Forrest Aldrich forrie at
Fri Jun 16 19:29:31 UTC 2000

In the case of using a forwarder, how does this function actually work.    For example, we relay a query to our "forwarder" (as defined in named.conf), if the forwarder doesn't have a response, what happens at this point.  Do we send a query out to the internet ourselves or is the forwarder burdened with this task, relaying that response instead of what's in its cache.

In the case where you can define multiple IP addresses for the same DNS server, in an effort to load balance, how does this algorithm work.   Take for example a situation where you want to have multiple DNS servers in all of your edge POPs.  You would want each POP to use a DNS server that is closer in proximity.  I don't think the algorithm for load balancing really has anything like this.   



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